Ode to Code

a technical blog


They say big data is taking over, it’s true. It seems we’ve bitten off much more than we can chew. Ubiquitious and evergrowing, there’s more of it than our capacity of knowing. So we’ll table it, make it manageable, analyzable, give it value.

CLI Data Gem - NYC Events

Places to go, People to see, There are a million things to do in NYC.

learning ruby

the coursework starts off teaching ruby its variables, methods, falsey/truthy. then we dive into procedural, obj-oriented, relationships, architectual, metaprogramming; hey, we’re all scraping by…

aide-memoire Full Stack Web Development

i’m wandering into a vibrant world full of new languages, picking up a million new things and developing a wide-range of skills both new & old.

here is a space where problem-solvers thrive.